Austria: The Social-Democrats (SPO) gets 7 seats, which
is one more than the conservatives (OVP), the greens and Hans-Peter Martin gets each 2 seats and the fascists from Jorg Haider
(FPO) are the big losers with only one seat.
Belgium: In Belgium the socialists become the biggest fraction with 3 seats in Flanders and 4 in
the Walloon-area. The liberals (3+3) and the conservatives (4+1+1) get each 6 seats in total, the fascistic Vlaams Blok gets
3 (all in Flanders), and the greens 2 (1+1)
Cyprus: The communists (AKEL) and the democrats (Dimocraticos Synagermos)
get both 2 seats, Dimokratiko Komma and Independants get both one seat.
Czech: The Civic Democrats (ODS) gets 9 seats, the communists (KSCM)
gets 6 and the European Democrats (Sdruzeni Nezavislycha) 3, the Social Democrats (CSSD), Christian Democrats (KDU) and Nezavisli get each 2 seats.
Denmark: The Social-Democrats win this elections with
5 seats, the liberals (Venstre) get 3. the socialists (SFP), conservatives (KFP, Dansk Folkeparti, JuniBevaegelsen, Radikale
Venstre, FolkeBevaegelsen Mod EU gets all 1 seat.
Estonia: Social-Democrats get 3 from the six seats. Isamaaliit, Eesti Keskerakond and Eesti Reformierakond get each 1 seat.
Finland: Four seats each for the Centre Party (Suomen Keskusta) and the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus), the social-democrats get 3.
Vasemmistoliitto, Vihreät and the peoples party (SFP) get each 1 seat.
France: The Socialist Party emerged as the clear victors, taking 33 seats. The Conseravatives
from Jaques Chirac get 17 and the Democrats (UFD) get 11 seats. The Fascist from Le Pen (FN) get 7, the greens 6, the Mouvement
pour la France 3 and the communists (PCF) 2.
Germany: The Conservatives (CDU) are the big winners
in Germany with 40 seats, the SPD from Gerard Schröder get 23 seats. The Greens get 13, Christian-Socials (CSU) 9, Free Democrats
(FDP) and the former communists (PDS) do get each 7 seats.
United Kingdom: The conservatives become the biggest with
27 seats, the socialists from Labour gets only 19, the anti-EU party (UKIP) gets 12 which is the same as the liberal LD, the
greens and the Scottish National party get each 2 seats and Plaid Cymru, Sinn Fein, Ulster Unionist Party and Democratic Unionist Party
gets one seat each.
Greece: New democrats (ND) win the elections in Greece
with 11 seats, Socialist (PSK) 7, Communists (KKE)3, Synaspismós tis Rizospastikís Aristerás got 1.
Hungary: Fidesz is the big winner in Hungary with a total of 12 seats,
the ruling Socialists (MSP) gets 9, SDS 2 and MDF 1.
Ireland: Fine Gael is the biggest fraction in Ireland
with 5 seats, Fianna Fail gets 4, Labour and Sinn Fein get both one seat. Independents get 2 seats.
Italy: In Italia the left-wing alliance (Uniti Nell'Ulivo) wins the elections
with 25 seats. Berlusconis Forza Italia gets 16 seats, Alleanzas National 9, the communists (SERC) 5, conservatives (UCDCD)
5, Lega Nord, Federazione
dei Verdi, Lista Bonino, Comunisti Italiani, Societa' Civile di Pietro, Socialisti Uniti Per L'Europa, get 2 seats each. Partito
Pensionati and Alleanza Popolare each 1.
Latvia: The LNNK wins elections with 4 seats, Jaunais Laiks 2, Latvijas Cels, Par Cilveka Tiesibam Vieneta Latvija and Tautas Partija each one.
Lithuania: Darbo Partija 5, the Social-Democrats (LSDP) and the Conservatives (LK) and the Liberals
(LCS) each 2, VNDPS and the liberal-democrats (LDP) each 1.
Luxemburg: The Conservatives become the biggest fraction
in Luxemburg with 3 seats, The Socialists (LSA), Democrats (DPL) and Dei Greng each one.
Malta: Labour wins 3 seats and the Nationalists
get 2.
Netherlands: The Conservatives (CDA) and the Socialists
(PVDA) get each 7 seats in the EU-parliament, the liberals (VVD) gets 4, the anti-corruption party (Europa Transparant), the
Greens, the Christians (Christen Unie), and the left socialists (SP) gets 2 seats each and last but not least the Social-liberals
gets only one. The neo-fascists (LPF) gets none.
Poland: In Poland the elections are won by Platforma Obywatelska
with 15 seats, Liga Polskich Rodzin gets 10, Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc 7, Samoobrona 6, Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej 5, Unia
Wolnisci and Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 4 and last but not least Socjaldemokracja Polski 3 seats.
Portugal: Socialists win the elections with 12 seats,
the social-democrats get 9 and the communists 3. Bloco de Esquerda win one.
Slovakia: Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda's Christian and Democratic Union, the populist Movement for a Democratic Slovakia of
controversial former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar, and the centre-left Direction