Wizard Magazine
Druïdism ...some facts...
A Miserable Failure
Last week we (The Europeans ) went to vote, here are the results
End child abuse
Iraqis vs. the empire
"The Worst of the Worst !"
Female Genital Cutting
Industrial hemp isn't an evil weed
Newly discovered galaxy
Open Letter to the Democratic Party - by Ralph Nader
Every Woman a Goddess
Rassismus in den Niederlanden
Faits Divers
Party Guide
Trips In Cyberland
Faits Divers

Small anouncements that either make you laugh, cry, smile or think!!!

stop coca cola violence National Day of Action Against Coca Cola

In Colombia, the tactic of the extreme use of violence to impose neoliberal globalization is commonly practiced. All forms of social organization that are attempting to resist this are being exterminated: indigenous people, small farmers (campesinos), and workers are assassinated for opposing the objectives of foreign investors. Each year, more unionists are murdered in this country than in the rest of the world combined.

Coca-Cola Company International, Coca-Cola of Colombia, its affiliate Panamerican Beverage (Panamco) - acquired by the company Coca-Cola FEMSA, and Bebidas y Alimentos de Uraba S.A. are responsible by action or omission of this policy of annihilation against the social movements, which has caused the murder of 9 workers, the exile of 2, the forced displacement of 48, death threats against 67, unjust imprisonment of more than 16 workers because of the libelous pronouncements of Coca-Cola functionaries, who have accused us of being terrorists and criminals, stigmatizing and cursing our union activity.

cokewatch.org On Thursday, April 15th, stand with your fellow humans across the country against the U.S. sponsorship of the murder of trade unionists. On April 15th join the community Flagstaff as we march against Coco Cola and US Tax Dollars being used in Columbia. We will meet on the East Side of the NAU Student Union at 2pm. Please wear black, since we will be mourning the loss of the Union Leaders in Columbia.


Comunidad El Tabacal: "El Gobierno no nos tiene en cuenta"

A más de una semana de la llegada de representantes de la comunidad guaraní a Buenos Aires, distintas autoridades nacionales reconocen sin pelos en la lengua que la actual gestión de Néstor Kirchner no tiene presupuesto para los Pueblos Indígenas y dan muestras del peor humor negro, al proponer que miembros de la comunidad "hagan una vaquita para juntar plata" y paguen por sus tierras a la Seabord Corporation, dueña del Ingenio Tabacal. En respuesta, los guaraní convocaron a una movilización para este viernes a las 11:00 hs y aseguran que no se irán de la Capital Federal hasta lograr una respuesta convincente a su demanda de restitución de las 5000 hectáreas correspondientes al paraje La Loma, usurpadas por el Ingenio azucarero.


Ekspansja WTO nieudana - fiesta w Cancun
W niedziel 14.09 wieczorem kraje rozwijajce si, stanowice wikszo w WTO, zdecydoway si przerwa rozmowy toczce si na spotkaniu w Meksyku. USA i UE nie udao si osign swoich celów, a kraje rozwijajce si nie day si podzieli. Na ulicach Cancun odbya si fiesta z tej okazji.

Spotkanie WTO w Meksyku zakoczyo si fiaskiem zamierze USA i UE. Kraje rozwijajce si, idc za przykadem grupy G21 (m. in. Indie, Chiny i Brazylia) nie zgodziy si na negocjowanie nowych zagadnie (zwizanych z wasnoci intelektualn, wolnoci inwestycji oraz usugami) bez wczeniejszego zaatwienia spraw zwizanych z rolnictwem oraz tzw. zrónicowanym traktowaniem czyli stosowaniem innych regu wobec krajów znajdujcych si na innych etapach rozwoju.
Iraqi family sues UK for bombing there family
The Hamoodi family, now living in the UK, haved asked lawyer Imran Khan to help them bring a case against the Ministry of Defence in the UK, following the death of ten members of the family when their house was bombed on April 5th. The Dead included a 70 year old woman and a 4 month old child, whose Basra home was destroyed by so-called 'precision weapons'. At the time the military said that they believed that the house was occupied by Ali Hassan al Majid, commonly referred to as 'Chemical Ali'. This turned out to be incorrect. The family is considering a civil case for unlawful killing or else gross negligence.
read more:
Uitspraak GroenFront! uiterlijk dinsdag
Donderdag verschenen GroenFront!-Leflaven voor de rechtbank van Breda. Een van de bewoners van het Entenwoud had een zaak
aangespannen tegen het ontruimingsbevel van Loon op Zand en de Efteling. Tijdens de rechtszaak stond vooral de veiligheid van het klimmen ter discussie. "We hebben de rechter een klimcursus willen geven, zodat hijzelf kan ervaren hoe ongevaarlijk het is. Helaas zat zijn toga in de weg." Uitspraak is uiterlijk dinsdag 19 augustus. Het ging nu om een voorlopige voorziening en de vraag of de gemeente over mag gaan tot ontruiming voordat het bezwaar dient, begin september.
Over 30000 attend power the peaceful festival
The 5th annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival drew over 30,000 to Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park on Saturday, September 6. Originally called 911 because of the emergency nature of the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Power to the Peaceful now reflects the desire to be rid of "terrorism and the war on terrorism," in the words of organizer and musician Michael Franti. Over 100 social and political organizations were represented at the Festival, and a good time was had by all.
L'Italie manifeste en masse contre l'Union Européenne
Des manifestations imposantes ont eu lieu samedi à Rome, pendant que Berlusconi et les dirigeants de l'UE discutaient de la Constitution Européenne dans un palais bâti par Mussolini. La manifestation des syndicats européens a réuni un quart de million de personnes et celle des anti-globalistes 70.000.
Anomenem la guerra pel seu nom
La pau és el que ve després de la guerra, la pau és l'escenari que imposa el guanyador; així el govern USA s'afanya a "pacificar" Irak. Es fomenta l'anomenada "cultura de la pau" al temps que s'amaga la realitat de les guerres, amb les seves morts, dolor, cossos reventats... No serà hora de tornar a dir les coses pel seu nom? Per què contribuir a aquest afany d'amagar les guerres parlant de pau? Aquesta és la reflexió que ens ha portat a canviar de nom la secció "pau" per passar a anomenar-la "guerra". Perquè la realitat de les guerres s'imposa mentre els seus patrocinadors parlen de pau. Per què fer-los el joc...?
Les antimondialistes liégeois surveillés illégalement: 
La semaine passée, la Chambre du Conseil de Liège déplorer les écoutes téléphoniques dont ont été victimes, en septembre 2000, quatre antimondialistes qui préparaient une manifestation contre le sommet européen Ecofin à Liège.                                                     lire plus : http://belgium.indymedia.org

Mafia Multinazionale                                                                                                                    La FERRO ITALIA chiude per MAFIA
Vi raccontiamo le violenze subite dai Lavoratori.
La storia assurda e brutale della volonta' della Ferro Italia di chiudere un sito produttivo, che nel 2002 ha avuto un utile di 4.6 milioni di . Storia della strategia mafiosa della direzione aziendale e di un' accordo sindacale che dichiara la chiusura dello stabilimento senza una valida motivazione, che produce atti discriminatori verso i lavoratori "scomodi", violazione dei mansionari, interi reparti senza responsabile, il travaso delle materie prime effettuato mettendo a rischio la sicurezza dei lavoratori e dellambiente circostante.                                                                                                                                
continua su: http://italy.indymedia.org

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